• 2022/02/12 Part 2

    Hello~ It’s Senga.

    Today is *Chabuuto Day!

    From that day on, the second stage of life as Kis-My-Ft2 began.

    Ever since that debut announcement from a brown envelope, there hasn’t been a group with such a plain debut announcement.

    That’s a wonderful thing.

    I’m going to keep taking care of myself so that we can come back to Yoyogi Stadium again.

    I think it it would be nice to get another exciting announcement in a brown envelope.

    I also feel grateful towards the fans who have supported Kis-My-Ft2 every day.

    Thank you.

    Until next time.


    *T/N: Chabuuto literally means “brown envelope”. Fans have been calling debut announcement day “Chabuuto no hi” since the got news of debut on strange in the form of a piece of paper in a brown envelope.

  • 2022/02/12 Part 1

    It’s Senga.

    The weather is nice today, isn’t it?

    I miss the outside…

    I watched WEB FES today for the first time in a while.

    I thought once again that there are songs that only Kisumai can do because of our strong, individual personalities.

    I want to keep working on my singing skills so that we can release an even wider range of music.

    Personally, I think that we struggled with our vigor, challenger’s spirit, and with what image we wanted to portray because of our inexperience. Even though I’m still in the process of growing, I feel like the me now is able to be myself more than the me at that time.

    Also, watching footage of a concert with an audience, it’s mysterious how the energy from the fans and the level of excitement really plays a part in creating the performance.

    I’m not talking about creating a stage together through the use of penlights, I’m talking about how even though we’re the ones standing on the stage, it’s like we play off of the excitement of everyone in the audience to carry us through.

    I feel like this is what it means to create a performance together.

    Today is day 5 of recovering at home.

    All of my symptoms are basically gone. I have my physical strength back, so I want to hurry up and start moving.

    That’s why I want to start doing exercises that I can do at home today.

    Now for the *exchange diary.

    I really respect everyone for cooking their own food.

    Not only do I not have a sense for cooking, the most annoying thing is washing dirty dishes.

    That’s why I just don’t…

    As for horror games… it’s enough for me just to watch other people play.

    If I’m not in a state where I can cover my eyes immediately, I can’t look at the screen and I can’t play, so I would just cause problems.

    Until next time.


    *Note: Yokoo said in his jweb that he wants to play horror games with everyone and watch a horror movie.

  • 2022/02/11

    Hello~ It’s Senga.

    It’s day 4 of recovering at home.

    My sore throat has gotten a lot better and I don’t really feel the fatigue anymore.

    If I didn’t know I was sick, I would probably say that I was my usual self.

    Sorry for worrying you.

    It’s still possible for me to pass on the virus, so now I just have to wait until I can’t infect anyone anymore…

    This part is the most frustrating…



    I probably used that wrong.

    I want to keep in mind all of the fans who are now unable to come to the concerts that were originally supposed to happen tomorrow and the day after.

    Thank you so much for always supporting us.

    I’m not sure how yet, but I want to think of some way to repay all of you that everyone will be satisfied with. Please hold on for a bit.

    Now, I’m going to reply to the **exchange diary.

    The strawberries that Tama sent me were sweet and delicious!


    The oysters in an oil marinade that Tama made for me were also really good.

    It was an amazing dinner.

    I noticed at the end, but there was a ***letter of certification included. I was really touched.

    Thanks a lot!

    But Tama, why are you leaving my LINE message unread when I’m trying to thank you?

    Until next time.


    *T/N: This is a phrase that was originally in the film, “Tokyo Love Story” and was made popular by comedian, Yamamoto Takahiro. It’s basically a slang version of the word “zurui”, which basically means “unfair”.

    **The members have started a thing where they take turns asking a question in their jwebs for the others to answer. Today, Fujigaya asked what fruit everyone’s eaten recently.

    ***T/N:I’m not sure if he’s trying to say that the oysters are from an expensive place, or if Tama didn’t actually make the food.

  • 22/02/10

    Hello~ it’s Senga.

    Seems like there’s going to be a snow storm today.

    Please take care of yourself.

    Like I should be the one talking.

    Ahh. It’s day 2 of recovering at home.

    Right now, the pain in my throat has eased up a bit.

    I’ve recovered quite a bit.

    I think that there are a ton of people who have ended up with corona, and although the most important thing is recover physically, I think that there are a lot of people who take a mental hit from being completely isolated and excluded from things due to circumstances.

    I have wonderful members by my side, so the mental damage I’ve faced has been minimal.

    That’s why I want everyone as well to lean on your friends and family who will support you. Take the time you spend recovering at home as an opportunity to remind yourself to treasure the love and kindness around you and keep your mental health from falling too far.

    Make the best of your time recovering at home.

    This happened at 10 this morning:

    I decided to wave my penlight around at home to cheer on Hanyu Yuzuru so that he would land his quadruple axel.

    Until next time.


  • 22/02/09

    It’s Senga.

    First of all, just like you’ve probably already heard, I want to inform you all that I have covid.

    Additionally, in the midst of our concert tour, the shows at Yoyogi Stadium, which many fans had been looking forward to, have unfortunately been cancelled.

    I’m so sorry that this has happened in a way that betrays that excitement that everyone had.

    February 12th is the day our debut was announced and is a very important day for us.

    I am frustrated from the bottom of my heart over the fact that I got corona the week that we were supposed to have concerts at Yoyogi Stadium on the day of our debut announcement anniversary.

    We’re having concerts with an actual audience for the first time in 3 years. The 7 of us had decided that we couldn’t betray the fans and have each been doing everything we could to keep from getting corona so that we could get through the tour safely.

    Even through all that, I feel terrible to the other 6 members that I was the one person who got infected.

    Once again, to the fans, the members, and all the staff that I’m causing problems for, I’m really sorry.

    I’m sure many of you are worried about me, so let me just tell you how I’m doing.

    Currently, I don’t have a fever, but my nose is stuffed and my throat hurts.

    I don’t feel fatigued, nor am I having a hard time breathing.

    I have an appetite.

    I’m going to continue to report how I’m doing here on Johnnys Web.

    I’m confined at home to recover, so the members have been sending me movie and drama recommendations.

    Thank you so much.

    Once again, to all the fans who had been looking forward to the concert, I truly feel like I’ve let everyone down by betraying their expectations and for the way things played out.

    It might be strange for me to say this, I love performing while getting to see everyone’s faces at a venue. It’s a fun time and it makes me happy.

    In order to not miss out on any more of these happy times, I plan to continue to stay aware of corona and do my best to keep from getting infected again.

    I apologize from the bottom of my heart for all of the unpleasant feelings I’ve caused.

  • 21/08/31

    Hello. It’s Senga.

    About the *hyaluronic acid injections, from the viewpoint of fans, it must’ve been pretty shocking information. Sorry.

    That’s something that I ended up bringing up on my own. We can talk about things like that openly because Nakai-san and I trust each other.

    I’m glad if you were able to laugh about it.

    Don’t worry, I actually got hyaluronic acid injections.

    Until next time.

    T/N: * Senga is referring to what happened on FNS Laugh and Music on 8/29. Nakai had mentioned the injections as a joke in passing during a VTR and Senga brought it up himself in the studio talk.

  • 2021/05/16

    Hello. It’s Senga.

    The last concert is today.

    I want to enjoy myself until the very end.

    For those of you watching from home, let’s get excited together!

    Next time.

    *Continuation of his collab with Yamada Ryosuke and Hirano Sho*

  • 2021/05/15

    Hello. It’s Senga.

    Today is day 2 of the livestream concerts.

    I’d be happy if you could get hyped with us.

    Let’s make it a fun time.

    Until next time.

    *Continuation of his collab with Yamada Ryosuke and Hirano Sho*

  • 2021/05/14

    Hello. It’s Senga.

    Today is the first day of the HOME concert livestreams!

    We’ve rehearsed a lot up until today and I believe from the bottom of my heart that it’s a show that will convey our passion, laughter, and excitement to you at your HOME.

    That’s why I want a lot of people to watch.

    To all of you who have already bought tickets, thank you very much.

    I would be happy if you could spread this HOME even further to your friends and family around you.

    Until next time.

    *Continuation of his collab with Yamada Ryosuke and Hirano Sho*

  • 2021/05/13

    Hello. It’s Senga.

    The concerts start tomorrow.

    We’re in the middle of finalizing things.

    We’re working hard to so that we can put on a show that you can enjoy even from home.

    We’re also going to enjoy ourselves to the fullest.

    Until next time.

    *Continuation of his collab with Yamada Ryosuke and Hirano Sho*